Botched Cosmetic Surgery Could Be Grounds For Medical Malpractice Suit

06 April

It seems like everyone wants the perfect body nowadays, be it a flatter stomach or a bigger butt or permanently sculpted muscles. So many opt for cosmetic surgery instead of … Continue reading “Botched Cosmetic Surgery Could Be Grounds For Medical Malpractice Suit”

Wrongful Death Attorneys Know How Hard It Is To Lose A Loved One

30 March

Whenever a loved one is taken away from us, especially suddenly or at the negligence of someone else, it is difficult to deal with. We have questions that need answering. … Continue reading “Wrongful Death Attorneys Know How Hard It Is To Lose A Loved One”

Catastrophic Injury Attorney In Hawaii Fighting For What You Deserve

23 March

Many people get injured each year either on the job or participating in recreational – oftentimes thrill-seeking – activities. While many injuries range from minor (bumps, scrapes, bruises) to more … Continue reading “Catastrophic Injury Attorney In Hawaii Fighting For What You Deserve”

Catastrophic Injury Cases, Settlements And Verdicts

17 March

In personal injury law, a catastrophic injury is a long-term injury that has a significant effect on a person’s life. In many cases, it prevents them from returning to work … Continue reading “Catastrophic Injury Cases, Settlements And Verdicts”

Young Football Players And Catastrophic Injury

10 March

Catastrophic Injury: In 2016, a young by the name of Donovan Hill, who was paralyzed at age 13 as a youth football player, died of complications from surgery related to … Continue reading “Young Football Players And Catastrophic Injury”

What Questions To Ask Your Medical Malpractice Lawyer

23 February

Hiring the right Hawaii medical malpractice lawyer to represent you or someone you love has been seriously injured or died because of an error on the part of a doctor … Continue reading “What Questions To Ask Your Medical Malpractice Lawyer”

Contact jed kurzban

1003 Bishop Street, Suite 1600
Pauahi Tower
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

808-736-5035 305-444-3503

Miami Office
131 Madeira Ave
Coral Gables, FL 33134

305-444-0060 305-444-3503



Jed Kurzban Esq

Catastrophic Injury Attorney Hawaii

    Are you currently married?YesNo

    Do you have children?YesNo

    Are you employed?YesNo

    Catastrophic Injury Attorney Hawaii