If you’ve suffered a spinal cord injury that has left you paralyzed, you may need to adjust to a significant change in your overall lifestyle. There’s no denying that this can be a challenging experience.
That’s not to say you can’t overcome this struggle. Many have before. Ways to adjust to paralysis after a life-changing accident include the following:
It’s very common for those who sustain injuries that leave them paralyzed to experience a period of depression and mental health struggles as they adjust to their new condition. Additionally, even though mental health improvements can certainly be made, victims may still experience occasional “low” periods even after their depression has generally faded.
These feelings are to be expected. Luckily, counseling can significantly help someone manage the depression and other mental health struggles they may face after becoming paralyzed.
That said, it’s important to understand that different types of counselors specialize in working with different types of patients and clients. If you have recently become paralyzed and are seeking a counselor to work with you, try finding one who specializes in helping individuals like yourself. You might also find group therapy sessions that can give you the opportunity to share your feelings with those who can relate to them. Although any counseling is better than no counseling at all, ideally, you should work with experts who have the qualifications to offer the specialized assistance you need.
Adjusting to paralysis is rarely an easy experience. However, it’s often less stressful for those who take the time to research what they should expect as they grow accustomed to a new lifestyle.
Along with the mental health issues already discussed here, if you have become paralyzed, you may experience a number of physical health struggles. Potential examples include pain, weight gain, oversleeping, and more.
That’s not an exhaustive list. You need to thoroughly research this topic and consult with experts to fully understand what the future may hold. The main point to keep in mind is that preparing yourself for the journey ahead will make that journey less stressful than it might otherwise be.
There is no question that you are the primary victim when you have been harmed in an accident resulting in paralysis. However, you are likely concerned about the way your new condition will impact other people in your life.
You might now be unable to fully care for yourself and tend to your own needs. It’s possible this responsibility has fallen on your loved ones. Additionally, paralysis will likely prevent you from engaging in various activities with family members and friends that were once common elements of your lives together.
It’s best to openly address these topics instead of pretending neither you nor the people in your life are thinking much about them. Having honest conversations can help both of you adjust to your paralysis and the impact it may have on your relationships.
What’s most important is coordinating with specialists to ensure your adjustment period runs as smoothly as possible. Additionally, if you have been left paralyzed as a result of an accident that occurred because someone else was negligent, strongly consider meeting with an attorney to discuss your case. A Hawaii paralysis lawyer can help you pursue any compensation for which you may be eligible. To learn more, contact our offices online or call us at 808-736-5035.