Medical Malpractice Suit against Tripler Army Medical Center Awards Family $24.7 Million

12 November

The birth of a child should be a wonderful and joyous occasion. But when medical staff does not make the right and clear decisions, lives are at risk. Clear signs … Continue reading “Medical Malpractice Suit against Tripler Army Medical Center Awards Family $24.7 Million”

Hokulea Worker Dies In Terrible Accident

12 October

Ensuring our streets and sanitation work is an honorable job, but when safety measures go wrong, it can lead to tragedy.  We put safety measures in place in various jobs … Continue reading “Hokulea Worker Dies In Terrible Accident”

Do Doctors Lie To Protect Other Doctors?

14 September

The last thing anybody expects to occur when they seek treatment from a doctor or surgeon is that an error will cause them harm. However, medical mistakes are the third … Continue reading “Do Doctors Lie To Protect Other Doctors?”

How Can A Medical Error Cause A Spinal Cord Injury?

17 August

The last thing that anybody should have to worry about when they are undergoing a medical procedure is that they will sustain a spinal cord injury. However, medical mistakes are … Continue reading “How Can A Medical Error Cause A Spinal Cord Injury?”

The Real Costs Of A Spinal Cord Injury

16 July

Spinal cord injuries can be devastating for victims. Most people understand that a spinal cord injury will affect not only a person’s ability to live their daily lives, but it … Continue reading “The Real Costs Of A Spinal Cord Injury”

COVID-19 and Elective Surgeries

15 June

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered the way most people in this country live their lives. This has readjusted our behaviors – quarantines, stay at home orders, social distancing, and … Continue reading “COVID-19 and Elective Surgeries”

Contact jed kurzban

1003 Bishop Street, Suite 1600
Pauahi Tower
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

808-736-5035 305-444-3503

Miami Office
131 Madeira Ave
Coral Gables, FL 33134

305-444-0060 305-444-3503



Jed Kurzban Esq

Catastrophic Injury Attorney Hawaii

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    Catastrophic Injury Attorney Hawaii