A serious medical or surgical error can leave you disabled for the rest of your life. And whether or not you will succeed in recovering damages and suing the negligent medical professional largely depends on your Hawaii medical malpractice attorney.
Even in case of something as obvious as organ damage or organ failure, which occurs due to a doctor’s negligence, wrongful act or omission to act, recovering compensation may not be as easy as one may think.
Hospitals and their medical professionals usually protect themselves from medical malpractice lawsuit by retaining some of the best attorneys in their respective state, while the process of filing a medical malpractice lawsuit for organ failure or damage can be both expensive and difficult to litigate.
“What should I expect from my medical malpractice lawsuit if there has been damage to my organs due to the doctor’s negligence?” This is a common question we hear here at the Kurzban, Kurzban, Tetzeli & Pratt P.A. – recovery law center in Hawaii. We invited our best medical malpractice lawyer in Hawaii to give you an answer. But before we do, let’s review how much you can recover in a medical malpractice lawsuit involving organ damage.
In March, a woman from Hawaii was awarded the biggest medical malpractice payout in Hawaii’s history, $24.7 million, in a medical malpractice case after she lost both of her kidneys following childbirth at Tripler Army Medical Center.
It all started on July 22, 2013, when Marites Campano was admitted to Tripler Army Medical Center to deliver her third child. The next day, Campano, 37 at the time, gave birth to her child, but her condition kept deterioriating after the childbirth.
Campano suffered septic shock, a life-threatening condition, and multi-organ failure as a result of negligence on the part of doctors at Tripler. The outrageous medical malpractice eventually resulted in the loss of both her kidneys. After nearly five years of litigation, Campano and her Hawaii organ failure attorney won the case, and the woman walked out $24.7 million richer from the court.
The multi-million dollar medical malpractice payout will cover the cost of future medical treatments associated with Campano’s condition, cover the cost of home and psychiatric care, as well as loss of earning capacity, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
Injuries and damages to internal organs are arguably the most difficult to spot and diagnose without requesting the patient to go through a thorough medical evaluation. That is why organ damage and organ failure often go unnoticed after surgeries, procedures, and medical treatments.
Determining whether or not organ damage or failure was the result of medical malpractice on the part of a surgeon, doctors, physician, nurse, or any other medical professional at the hospital is just as difficult. But if you are represented by an experienced Hawaii organ failure attorney, your chances of establishing fault and proving negligence increase tenfold.
That is because a law firm with decades of experience behind its back usually retains a wide spectrum of qualified medical specialists who will not only determine whether or not medical malpractice was to blame for organ failure, but also testify in court about how your doctor failed to adhere to high standards of care and accepted practices in health care.
If you have suffered organ failure or believe that your organs have been damaged as a result of your doctor’s negligence, do not hesitate to seek medical evaluation and contact our skilled attorneys at the Kurzban Kurzban, Tetzeli & Pratt P.A. You have no time to waste, as organ failure and damage can be life-threatening.
Get a free consultation by giving us a call at 808-736-5035, or fill out this contact form. We offer a free case evaluation.